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294 lines
* cpuspeed - general system performance benchmark
* S.H.Smith, 26-Sep-86
#include <stdio.h>
#include <dos.h>
#include <assert.h>
void dispspeed();
void memspeed();
void cpuspeed();
void mathspeed();
void filespeed();
void bufspeed();
long get_time();
char *malloc();
FILE *output;
long start;
long stop;
double elapsed;
double index;
double total;
int count;
int pass;
int iterations = 1;
#define round(d) ((d) + 0.004995)
int argc;
char *argv[];
if (argc == 2)
iterations = atoi(argv[1]);
if (argc != 1) {
printf("Usage: SPEED ;1 iteration\n");
printf(" or SPEED N ;N iterations\n");
count = 0;
total = 0;
output = fopen( "CON","w" );
bench( dispspeed, "BIOS display updates" );
bench( memspeed, "Heavy memory access" );
bench( cpuspeed, "Minimal memory access" );
bench( mathspeed, "Floating point" );
bench( bufspeed, "Buffered file access" );
bench( filespeed, "General file access" );
total /= (double)count;
index = (iterations*10) / total;
fprintf( output,"%28s -------- --------\n"," ");
fprintf( output," %25s %8.1f %8.2f\n\n",
"Average performance",round(total),round(index) );
fflush( output );
fclose( output );
bench( procedure, description )
void (*procedure)();
char *description;
fprintf( output, " %-25s",description );
fflush( output );
elapsed = (double)(stop-start) / 100.0;
total += elapsed;
if (elapsed == 0.0)
index = 9999.0;
index = (iterations*10) / elapsed;
if (count == 1) {
fprintf( output,"\n System performance benchmark\n\n" );
fprintf( output,"All tests run in %4.1f seconds on a standard 8088 IBM PC with\n",10.0*iterations);
fprintf( output,"4.77 MHz clock, 640k ram, 360k floppy disk, no math processor.\n\n");
fprintf( output," Test Time Performance index\n" );
fprintf( output,"---------------------------- -------- -------------------\n");
fprintf( output, " %-25s",description );
fprintf( output,"%8.1f %8.2f \n",round(elapsed),round(index) );
fflush( output );
* benchmark procedures
* each procedure should run for exactly 10.0 seconds per call on
* a standard IBM-PC.
void dispspeed() /* BIOS display updates */
const int DISPSIZE = 5328;
char *buf,*p;
int fd;
int i;
assert( (p = buf = malloc(DISPSIZE)) != 0 );
for (i=0; i<DISPSIZE; i++)
*p++ = (i & 0x3f) + ' ';
for (i=1000; i<1050; i++)
buf[i] = '\n';
for (i=2000; i<2050; i++)
buf[i] = '\t';
start = get_time();
fd = open( "con",1 );
for (pass=0; pass<iterations; pass++)
write( fd,buf,DISPSIZE );
close( fd );
stop = get_time();
free( buf );
void memspeed() /* heavy memory access bench */
const int LOOPS = 100;
const int MEMSIZ = 26350;
char *buf1,*buf2;
int i;
assert( (buf1 = malloc( MEMSIZ )) != 0 );
assert( (buf2 = malloc( MEMSIZ )) != 0 );
start = get_time();
for (pass=0; pass<iterations; pass++)
for (i=0; i<LOOPS; i++)
memcpy( buf2,buf1,MEMSIZ );
stop = get_time();
free( buf1 );
free( buf2 );
void cpuspeed() /* minimal memory access */
const int LOOPS = 100;
register int i,j;
start = get_time();
for (pass=0; pass<iterations; pass++)
for (i=0; i<LOOPS; i++)
for (j=0; j<4956; j++);
stop = get_time();
void mathspeed() /* floating point */
const int LOOPS = 770;
double a,b,c;
int i;
a = 123.45;
b = 111.12;
c = 1.7;
start = get_time();
for (pass=0; pass<iterations; pass++)
for (i=0; i<LOOPS; i++)
c = c + (a*b) + (a/b) - (b/a)*c;
stop = get_time();
void bufspeed() /* (large) buffered file access */
const int LOOPS = 12;
const int IOBSIZE = 4096;
int fd,i;
char *buf;
char *name = "$$$$$$$$.$$$";
assert( (buf = malloc( IOBSIZE )) != 0 );
newfile( name,IOBSIZE,LOOPS );
start = get_time();
for (pass=0; pass<iterations; pass++) {
assert( (fd = open( name,2 )) > 0);
for (i=0; i<LOOPS; i++)
write( fd,buf,IOBSIZE );
close( fd );
assert( (fd = open( name,2 )) > 0);
for (i=0; i<LOOPS; i++)
read( fd,buf,IOBSIZE );
close( fd );
stop = get_time();
unlink( name );
free( buf );
void filespeed() /* general (small buffer) file access */
const int LOOPS = 349; /*262*/
int fd,i;
char buf[30];
char *name = "$$$$$$$$.$$$";
newfile( name,sizeof(buf),LOOPS );
start = get_time();
for (pass=0; pass<iterations; pass++) {
assert( (fd = open( name,2 )) > 0);
for (i=0; i<LOOPS; i++)
write( fd,buf,sizeof(buf) );
close( fd );
assert( (fd = open( name,2 )) > 0);
for (i=0; i<LOOPS; i++)
read( fd,buf,sizeof(buf) );
close( fd );
stop = get_time();
unlink( name );
/* scroll cursor to erase screen and leave cursor at the LAST line */
fprintf( output,"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" );
fflush( output );
/* gets the time since midnight in seconds*100 */
long get_time()
union REGS in, out;
#define hi(vv) ((out.x.vv>>8) & 0xff)
#define lo(vv) (out.x.vv & 0xff)
in.x.ax = 0x2c00; /* DOS get time function code */
intdos( &in, &out );
return lo(dx) + 100L*(hi(dx) + 60L*(lo(cx) + 24L*(hi(cx))));
/* create a new (empty) file with a given initial size */
char *name;
unsigned elements,size;
int fd;
unsigned size;
assert( (fd = creat(name,0)) > 0);
write( fd,&fd,elements*size );
close( fd );